PATENTBUREAU Symbolics Of Prydniprov'ia Pyriatyn
From history of heraldry of Ukraine
Modern individual symbolism
State differences of Ukraine
Symbolics of Prydniprov'ia regions
Poltava region
Symbolism of Ukrainian the cossacks


For the first time it was mentioned in Laurenti chronicles in 1156. The origin of the name comes from the name of Pyriata.

In 1595 king Sigizmund III granted the Magdeburg Right and an emblem - in a gules field a tighted or bow with the same arrow.

Since 1648 it was a squadron town of Kropyvna regiment.




The emblem of the Russian period



The emblem of the Russian period was confirmed on the 4th of June 1782 on the basis of the old emblem - in a gules field there was a tighted or bow with the same arrow.




B.Kene project



At 26.01.1865 B.Kene worked out a project of a new emblem of the town. In an gules field the argent overturned tighted bow with overturned argent arrow. In the canton there was an emblem of Poltavs'ka province.The shield is crown with an argent mauerkrone with three towers and frame with two or ears, which are twine with the ribbon of the Order of St.Alexander.