PATENTBUREAU Symbolics Of Prydniprov'ia Kherson area
From history of heraldry of Ukraine
Modern individual symbolism
State differences of Ukraine
Symbolics of Prydniprov'ia regions
Kherson area
Symbolism of Ukrainian the cossacks

Kherson area




The emblem of the Russian period



The emblem of Tavrijs'ka province was confirmed on the 8th of December 1856. It was a picture of an or field with a sable Byzantine eagle with two or crown on it, with or beak and claws and a high-carat or tongue. On its chest in an azure with or edges shield an eight-pointed or cross is laid. The shield is crowned with the Emperial Crown and surrounded with or oak leaves connected by St.Andrew's ribbon.




The emblem of the Russian period



The emblem of Khersons'ka province was confirmed on the 5th of July 1878 and it was an azure field with the argent Russian cross with radiance in the four upper corners and accompanied by three or emperial crowns on both sides and below. The shield is crowned with the emperial crown and surrounded with or oak leaves which are connected by the ribbon of the Order of St.Alexander.




The modern emblem



The emblem of Khersons'ka oblast' was confirmed at the 25th of October 2001. In the middle of the azure field are or anchor, two ears and compasses. Above it is or city gate. On the top of the shield is the or crown. The shield is surrounded with or oak leaves which are connected by the blue-yellow ribbon with the "Khersons'ka oblast'" words. The authors are S.Sazonov and Yu.Schepelev.




The flag

The flag of Khersons'ka oblast' was confirmed at the 25th of October 2001. There is blue-white-blue square with city emblem near the left flagstaff border. The authors are S.Sazonov and Yu.Schepelev.