PATENTBUREAU Symbolics Of Prydniprov'ia Kharkiv area
From history of heraldry of Ukraine
Modern individual symbolism
State differences of Ukraine
Symbolics of Prydniprov'ia regions
Kharkiv area
Symbolism of Ukrainian the cossacks

Kharkiv area

The name of Slobids'ka Ukraine is given to a big region, which occupies the territory of the present Kharkiv, Luhans'k, part Sumy, Donets'k, Kurs'k, Bilhorod and Voronizh regions. Slobozhanshchyna was a member of Chernihivs'ko-Sivers'ke principality in the X - XIII centuries. The Tartar raids made that region uninhabited. Only in the first half of the 17th century the Ukrainians began to inhabit that territory. In some decades that Wild Field became a prosperous region. There were founded and inhabited such towns as Sumy, Lebedyn, Okhtyrka and a great number of settlements which gave the name Slobozhanshchyna. During 20 years out of Getmanshchyna has grown a new Slobids'ka Ukraine with the Cossacs regimental government. Here there were formed five Cossacs regiments: Ostrozhs'kyi, Kharkivs'kyi, Sums'kyi, Okhtyrs'kyi, Izums'kyi.



Kharkiv province had two emblems. At first the existed the emblem: a vert field there are laid crosswise a or horn of abundance and a crosier, the baton of which is also or and the wings and the snakes are argent. The shield is crowned with the emperial crown and surrounded with oak-leaves which are connected by the St.Andrew's ribbon.




Since July 1878 till May 21, 1887 the emblem of Kharkiv province looked like that. In the argent field there was a torn horse head with high-carat or eyes and a tongue, in the gules top of the shield there was an or star with six rays between two V coins. The shield is crowned with the emperial crown and surrounded with the or oak-leaves which are connected by St.Andrew's ribbon. On the 25th of November 1887 the province was given back the symbol existing before 1878.





The modern emblem



The Kharkivs'ka oblast' emblem was approved at 05.11.1999 by solution VI of session of regional council of ÕÕIII convocation. The arms of area represents the French board. On a vert field of a board are figured: crossed a or horn of abundance and the or Mercury's staff in cross, wings and snakes of staff are argent. The shield is framed by or edging. There is or oak leafage around of a shield, enframed by a blue ribbon. A shield is crowned by the gear, from both parts of which are two gramineous ears. On a background of a cone the book with the symbolical map of an atomic nucleus with electronic orbits is arranged.

Proportions of the emblems are altitude to width 8:7, the rounded parts of the arms represent 1/4 circles with a radius of a circle equal 1/8 altitudes of the emblem.




The flag



The Kharkivs'ka oblast' flag was approved at 05.11.1999 by solution VI of session of regional council of ÕÕIII convocation. It is a rectangular panel with attitude of width to length 2:3 crimson colour with the oblast' emblem in the center. The high of emblem equals 1/2 width of a flag.