PATENTBUREAU Services and temporal tariffs in relation to Industrial Desi...
Services and temporal tariffs in relation to Industrial Design
ServiceUnit of measuringTariff,hrn
Drawing up and submitting an application and obtaining a Certificate of Ukraine for an industrial design non-volumetric (two-dimensional) product (one-figure image)14500 (1 version of the product; each additional version of the product +550)
nonvolume (two-dimensional) product (multi-figure image) 17500 (1 product variant; each additional product variant +650)
set (kit) of three-dimensional (two-dimensional) products (multi-figure images)18500 – one product option; for each additional option + 1500
volumetric (three-dimensional) product19500 - one version of the product; for each additional version + 3000
Applying for and obtaining a Certificate of Ukraine for an industrial design: set (kit) of three-dimensional (three-dimensional) products (multi-figure images) 19500 - one version of the product in the set; + 1500 for each additional product option in the set
The acquisition of rights to a registered industrial design is evidenced by a certificate, which indicates the image of the industrial design entered in the Register. Acquiring the right to an industrial design with international registration does not require certification. The term of validity of property rights to a registered industrial design is 5 years from the date of submission of the application to the Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation (UANOIPI), it can be extended at the request of the owner of the industrial design for one or more five-year periods, subject to payment of the fee in accordance with the procedure established by the Law . The total term of validity of property rights to a registered industrial design cannot be more than 25 years from the date of submission of the application.
Editing of the given image, the outline drawing, figure1 image500
Creation of circuit layout of Industrial Design1 image400
Definition of conformity of the declared object to conditions of granting of legal protection according to points 1-3 of article 5 of the Law of Ukraine “About protection of the rights to Industrial Designs”1500
Grant of bibliographic information, description of industrial design (inclusive with pictures and drafts): as a result of nominal search1 certificate550
Nominal information search on industrial designs databases1 country550
Grant of bibliographic information, description of industrial design, inclusive after the number of claim and/or certufucate (patent)550
Translation of description of Industrial Design into the Ukrainian language: from Russian / from English1 page200 / 500
Translation of description of Industrial Design into the English 1 page1500
Photography of Industrial Design1 photoAgreement
Drafting of the contract about transfer of the property rights / the license contract1 contract650
Office-work under the contract about transfer of the property rights / the license contract1 contract550
1 objectAgreement
Decision of the vexed questions and protection of the rights of the right holder in courtcontract
Advice on patent law relating to industrial designup to 30 minutes750