Services and temporal tariffs in relation to heraldry
Service | Unit of measuring | Tariff,hrn |
Elaboration coat of arms / emblem (In accordance with canons and traditions of heraldry) | Elaboration of small coat of arms on the basis of preliminary certain heraldic elements | 1 coat of arms | 550 |
Elaboration of big coat of arms based on the basis of small coat of arms | 1 coat of arms | 1750 |
Historical research in relation to possible emblematic, necessity of those or other elements of heraldry (does not include genealogical research) | 1 coat of arms | 1300 |
Elaboration of regulation about a flag, gonfalon, banner, standard, coat of arms | 1 | 450 |
Elaboration of description of the small / big coat of arms | 1 description | 450 / 650 |