PATENTBUREAU Services and temporal tariffs in relation to copyright and the...
Services and temporal tariffs in relation to copyright and the adjacent rights
ServiceUnit of measuringTariff,hrn
Elaboration claimof copyright for an essay in the field of science; literature; artfrom two days3000 (for each àdditional owner +500)
to the collection of works in the field of science; literature; artfrom two days3500 (two works in the collection, + 5% for each subsequent)
for an essay in the field of computer programming (the owner is a natural person)from two days5000 (for each àdditional owner +500)
for an essay in the field of computer programmingfrom two days5000-9000 (for each àdditional owner +500)
Drawing up and submitting an application for state registration of a contract that concerns the author's right to a work alienation contractfrom two days3500 (250 for each additional co-owner; 500 the allocation / division specific creative contributions of co-authors)
contract of transfer of part of property rightsfrom two days4000 (250 for each additional co-owner; 500 the allocation / division specific creative contributions of co-authors)
Drafting (development) of the contract on the transfer (alienation) of copyright an agreement on the alienation of a part of property copyrights to a workfrom two daysfrom 4000
on contract of alienation of property copyrights in fullfrom two daysfrom 3500
Drafting (development) of the contract for the order of creation of the workfrom two daysfrom 1500
Compilation (development) of the contract for ordering the creation of a work and transfer of property copyright to the workfrom two daysfrom 3500
Drafting (development) of the contract for the use of the work: license contractfrom two daysâ³ä 1500
Consultation on questions of the rights to copyright oral consultationwithin 1 hour 1500
writtenl consultationwithin 1 working day2000-2500
The state Ñertificate about registration of copyright is given out during 3 months. The copyright operates from the date of creation of product up to the end of a life of the author and 70 years after his{its} death