INTELLECTUS Symbolics of Prydniprov'ia |
Elaboration of symbolics |
OUR ELABORATIONS AND PRODUCTSIn the section of "Development of the Patent bureau" the electorally represented information about the promulgated objects of intellectual property<< On the left is menu, for the revision of information about some of the promulgated objects, on, through the Patentbureau patents and certificates were got, or the design of which was developed by the specialists of creative studio of the Patentbureau. NOTE: To the list there are the not included methods, technological processes, developments of matters, plants, cultures of microorganisms, integrated circuits, and others like that. * PATENTBUREAU ® laboratory of legal problems of intellectual property
In the section of "Development of Creative Studio" electorally represented information about the made standards of symbolism<< On the left is menu for the revision of images of symbolism (flags, standarts, gonfalons, coats of arms, emblems, pennants and other), development or making of which was carried out by the creative workshop of the Patent bureau. * Creative Studio - is development of symbolism, heraldic attribute
Matricula - is the special list of familial and corporate emblems and coats of arms is it is a mean, that enables to every persons interested to promulgate the kleynod (difference emblem), and, thus, to declare the exceptional right on him. For this purpose it follows only to send the message to heraldmaster, in obedience to rules for authors
E-mail:PATENTBUREAU-ONLINE - are instantaneous applications on the objects of intellectual property
Ukraine, 49000, Dnipro, Voskresenska str, 12/4
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